Seku’s Story
October 27, 2015
by Dr. Gregory Bartha
Pastor Simon Peter had stopped by a shop in the village and was told about a boy who needed assistance. He drove to the boy’s home and immediately on arrival, heard him crying out in pain. The boy had been struck by a bicycle three weeks earlier and had sustained a fracture of the bones in the lower right leg. A cast was applied in a regional hospital, but the boy received no other treatment. The bones were not properly aligned and the family was told that he needed referral to an orthopedic specialist, but no arrangements had been made for the referral.
The child was in great pain and could not lower the leg at all. Simon Peter drove him to the Cross Emergency Medical Clinic and the staff transferred him to an orthopedic center which offers excellent treatment for bone and joint problems.
It turned out that Seku had a large wound on the leg with bone fragments protruding. He has had some surgery to straighten the fracture. Some new bone is growing in but there is also evidence of destroyed bone. He will need additional surgery to remove the dead bone and to pin together the good fragments. Also, the wound has not completely healed and daily dressings are necessary. It will be several months before all the problems are resolved. He is in good spirits, has no pain and is able to walk with crutches.

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