by Dr. Gregory Bartha
January 14, 2020
Charles Kimbugwe visited Midland for two weeks in late June, 2019. This was his first visit out of Uganda and his first time on an airplane. He navigated all the airports well, had no problem and was thrilled to arrive in West Texas.
Charles comes from a family of two sisters and three brothers. His father died several years ago. The family home is very close to mine in Kanginima. He attended primary schools in the village, then went to Jinja for secondary school. He received very high marks and was awarded a government scholarship to Gulu University Medical School located in northern Uganda.
He just recently graduated from Medical School and will start his internship soon. After this, he plans to get a degree in public health and then go for training in surgery. While he was in medical school, I gave him some literature about hospice. He expressed interest in this field. While he was in Midland, I made arrangements for him to spend a week at Hospice of Midland, seeing patients with the nurses and chaplain. He very much enjoyed this experience.
Since his father’s death, Charles has assumed a leadership role in his family. He has helped support his young brothers in school, and he has helped his mother to set up a small business. He has been a very faithful and disciplined student; self-motivated and dedicated. He is a strong Christian and was a leader in his medical school’s Anglican fellowship. He is an enthusiastic football fan and played as a striker during his school time.
Charles has developed a three year personal development plan, with a detailed timeline for achieving his goals. He plans to marry in December, 2020, a young woman he met in medical school. She is studying to become a pediatrician.
I think a very bright future awaits this young man.

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