by Dr. Gregory Bartha
May 9, 2018
In late September of last year, the medical team carried out a medical outreach to Okungur, a remote village in the Amuria District, a four hour drive from the clinic. This area had been severely damaged by the Karamoja cattle rustlers and then the Lord’s Resistance Army. Most people fled and are just now in recent years returning. Pastor Osmulo Fred in Soroti had received a request for a medical outreach from a district official. There were no medical services available in the village, and the nearest medical facility was 15 km away. Also, there was no clean water source in the village.
The team began the journey to Okungur about 6 AM. There had been some heavy rains, and as we neared the village, the road deteriorated. At one point, our vehicle became stuck in the mud. About 45 minutes of pushing and rocking the vehicle were required to get it free. We finally reached the site of the outreach and proceeded to serve about 500 people. Most of the complaints were musculoskeletal and caused by the very heavy physical work done by the people. There were also malaria cases and many neurologic problems.
The people were grateful for the service. We plan to hold another outreach in the area and also to put the village on a list to receive a borehole, which will supply clean water to the community.
As we left, we were told that the road we took to the village ended just a short distance away. Truly, we were working at the end of the road.

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